Under the harlequin face paint, it was hard to tell, but I thought she was flushing furiously.
Marly flushed furiously as her eyes widened in shocked embarrassment.
She was very glad of the pale darkness, hiding her furiously flushing face.
Flushing furiously, she tapped the accelerator and moved into the intersection.
Derek was flushing furiously already, but in his defense, he said, "You know very well it isn't likely to be shared with any wives."
Slowly, flushing furiously, she unwrapped her shoulder, exposing her right breast.
She flushed furiously, tongue tied for the moment.
"So we noticed," Jim said, in a tone that made Vara flush furiously.
I've been robbed," I gasped out, my face flushing furiously with anger.
She became aware of the outward signs of excitement, and her cheeks flushed furiously.