He took a deep breath, for he was becoming overwrought and flushed beneath his dark complexion.
A moment later, the girl burst into the room, her face flushed beneath a layer of rock dust.
He smiled down at Carole, the pretty, plump woman flushing beneath the warmth in his grey eyes.
The boy flushed beneath this compliment and the rare demonstration of affection.
He did, rather hurriedly, his face flushing dark beneath his wig.
Her face flushed deeply beneath burns and wrecked makeup.
Samuel Boma's face flushed beneath its deep brown complexion.
Redfeather flushed beneath the bronze pigment of his skin.
"Yes, much," she said, flushing deeply beneath that strange gaze.
Lawrence peered at me in some alarm, his genial face flushed beneath its tan.