Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts are typically placed by an interventional radiologist under fluoroscopic guidance.
Fortunately, most cases of coccyx pain respond well to nonsurgical treatment, such as medications given by local injection (often done under fluoroscopic guidance).
Minimal invasive urosurgery utilizing ureterorenoscopy; nephroscope and cystoscope, under fluoroscopic and endo-camera guidance.
An oesophageal tube was placed just above the obstacle under fluoroscopic guidance to drain the saliva.
electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy without additional fluoroscopic guidance is a safe and efficient technique for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodules.
Stress examination, or one done under fluoroscopic guidance, can help determine the integrity of the ligament.
Epidural steroid injections, either interlaminal or transforaminal, performed under fluoroscopic guidance can help with severe radicular (leg) pain.
When the lead is adequately positioned through the needle under fluoroscopic guidance, the needle is carefully removed and the lead is fixed in place.
Cordotomy is usually done percutaneously with fluoroscopic guidance while the patient is under local anesthesia.
A CT is typically performed after radiographic contrast media (dye) has been placed with fluoroscopic guidance into the sac (dura) surrounding the spinal cord and nerves.