The cabin lights were still off, but fluorescent strips outlined the bulkheads and the airlock.
A fluorescent strip lit the room.
Once under, he propelled himself in a breaststroke, looking for light spilling down the next stairwell, above which the fluorescent strips should still be functioning.
They turned into a low corridor, lit with glaring fluorescent strips.
Clear in some places, opaque in others, they subtly absorb the multihued light from his fluorescent strips.
A large room with no windows, lit solely by fluorescent strips.
The whole thing is illuminated by black light emanating from a fluorescent strip attached to the panel's top edge.
No beer would be served to people without the white, fluorescent strip on their hand, which proved that they had voted.
Below this ceiling of stratus nebulosus opacus, it feels as if God's decided to cut his fuel bills and install a fluorescent strip.
Reaching for the light switch by the door she flooded the studio behind her with light as the fluorescent strips clicked on.