Alkaline solutions caused a redshift of the absorption likely due to deprotonation of the hydroxyl group on the benzothiazole, but did not affect the fluorescence emission.
Nitrogen deficiency tests based on the fluorescence emission of leaves have been developed.
These dyes show differential fluorescence emission dependent on their association with double-stranded or single-stranded DNA.
FIGS is performed using imaging devices with the purpose of providing real time simultaneous information from color reflectance images (bright field) and fluorescence emission.
As the pH of its local environment increases, the fluorescence emission of harmine decreases.
A narrow fluorescence emission allows for multiple colors to be imaged at once without color overlap between different types of CSSNCs.
YFP sensitivity to these small anions results from ground-state binding near the chromophore, which apparently alters the chromophore ionization constant and hence the fluorescence emission.
Cytosolic Ca ++concentrations were measured by taking the ratio of fluorescence emission at 510 nm by excitation at 340 and 380 nm.
In the absence of a proper electron donor or acceptor it is possible for such molecules to undergo ordinary fluorescence emission.
This occurs because excited molecules usually decay to the lowest vibrational level of the excited state before fluorescence emission takes place.