How large are the earthquakes induced by fluid injection?
Alberta Geological Survey uses advanced petroleum geomechanical techniques to understand and evaluate cap rock integrity, as well as surface heave and subsidence impacts of subsurface fluid injection, production and storage.
In fluidics, fluid injection is being researched for use in aircraft to control direction, in two ways: circulation control and thrust vectoring.
Liposuction techniques can be categorized by the amount of fluid injection and by the mechanism in which the cannula works.
Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection) is the most common type of liposuction.
You can also get artificial hydration from fluid injections into tissues under the skin.
The Army discontinued use of the well in February 1966 because the fluid injection triggered a series of earthquakes in the area.
A more recent and promising blow-type flow control concept is the counter-flow fluid injection which is able to exert high-authority control to global flows using low energy modifications to key flow regions.
Numerical simulation of fluid injection into a gaseous environment nowadays is adopted by a large number of CFD-codes codes such as Star-CD of CD-adapco, Ansys and AVL-Fire.
Physicians gave intravenous fluid injections to more than 116,000 people to prevent shock in case they developed the disease.