This change in internal energy results in a change in the temperature of the fluid element.
For example when a body is moved rapidly through a fluid it causes more rapid deformation of fluid element than one moving slowly.
In general, in turbulence fluid elements are more lengthened than squeezed, on average.
The extra terms involving p may be interpreted as the mechanical work done on a fluid element by its neighbor fluid elements.
The time rate of change for the fluid element being carried along by the flow is:
These show the direction a fluid element will travel in at any point in time.
These can be thought of as "recording" the path of a fluid element in the flow over a certain period.
The outer fluid element being pulled forward will speed up, increasing its angular momentum and move to a larger radius orbit.
"I wanted to create an atmosphere and use light as a fluid element."
Desiccation will be brought about where the fluid element should predominate.