He was at an early age a fluent writer and speaker, and a vigorous, if at times embarrassing, supporter of his father's cause.
According to one biographer, "Mr. Cobb was a fluent writer, who spent little time in perfecting his style.
He was a more fluent writer of nazms.
Kureishi is a fluent, socially observant writer whose sentences move with intelligence and wit.
Petro is a fluent writer with considerable powers of description.
To the Editor: As Brent Staples writes, the new economy demands "fluent writers."
He was a fluent writer of Urdu Prose.
He studied rhetoric, history and literature, and became a fluent and educated writer of Arabic.
He was known as a charming public speaker, fluent writer, excellent dancer, fair musician, and fine horseman.
He was a fluent writer who carried on much of General Clinton's correspondence.