The level of new orders has fluctuated widely in the last few months.
Polls have fluctuated widely, but the fight over the measure appears close.
Total membership fluctuated widely around 5,000 and it is clear that many members only stayed with the Party for a short time.
These fluctuate widely, often for reasons having little to do with underlying economic trends.
It is normal for figures to fluctuate widely in the first few days after a disaster, experts said.
Estimates on how many believers the church has fluctuate widely in different sources.
The Federal funds rate often fluctuates widely as that deadline approaches.
The price fluctuates widely from season to season, so call ahead for prices.
Even when the lights are on, voltages may fluctuate widely.
The spring is dynamic, and for unknown reasons the amount of water coming to the surface has fluctuated widely over the years.