That could lead to greater reporting of problems experienced by flu patients, some of whom happen to take Tamiflu.
Concerns began to emerge in the country about whether or not the healthcare sector could handle the influx of flu patients.
They may however be prescribed to a flu patient for instance, to control or prevent bacterial secondary infections.
Some hospitals are delaying elective procedures to deal with the influx of flu patients.
She passed the fear patients and went directly to the flu patients.
Typically, high-risk flu patients are at least 65 years old, under age 2, pregnant, or have preexisting medical conditions.
But hand-bagging is exhausting, and flu patients may need assistance for weeks.
Similar to other flu patients, the identity and disclosure of the sick person was not publicized to promote confidentiality.
Within 35 days, 119 flu patients were treated.
The situation has eased somewhat, hospital officials said this week, although ambulatory care is still being provided to flu patients late into the night.