Seven rolled her eyes at the flowery language that followed.
The sections are all short and to the point with little to no flowery language but a lot of humor mixed in.
It sounded flat after the man's flowery language, but she couldn't match his tone even if she'd wanted to.
She made the presentation speech in the flowery language of her time.
His use of flowery language to describe it, however, provoked both praise and criticism.
Similarly, changes in word use can make language more flowery or respectful-rather than "Do you know?"
As mentioned above, he lived in a time of flowery, ornate language.
The flowery language had been toned down, but the flavor was the same.
What you are being asked to do is come up with a decision based on the flowery language that has been used.
But he did say the president was not much interested in "flowery language."