The wall was pure white, with pink flowers and animals scattered in profusion along the border.
The story is that her husband died in the war and every night she walks the meadows scattering flowers for her lost loved one.
The heavy air carried the stray scents of the colorful flowers scattered about the square.
After these walked many fair women, pouring perfumes on the road, and others scattering blooming flowers.
THE apron dress was sugar pink with flowers scattered over its surface.
As she rode her silver into the city, small children rush d out to scatter flowers in her path.
Flower girl: A young girl who scatters flowers in front of the bridal party.
He tossed the crumpled sage leaves back into the soil, much in the manner of a man scattering flowers over a grave.
There's a tiny altar behind the counter and painted artificial and real flowers scattered about.
There were flowers scattered all around her.