No, since she does not mention a very big bowl of early tulips which would at once have attracted the attention of a flower lover.
Thousands of flower lovers are expected, many of them competitive shoppers.
These sumptuous illustrations show that many of the plants that fascinated flower lovers in the 17th century still loom large in our own affections today.
He didn't think he looked like a flower lover.
Although everything will not be coming up roses as yet, April promises early riches for flower lovers in the nation's capital.
There is talk, however, of eventually changing to "mum," giving respectability to a contraction that makes a lot of flower lovers wince.
The unseasonably cool weather is great news for wild flower lovers.
Several government departments and voluntary agencies also display their activities for the benefits of the flower lovers and tourists.
Fifteen miles of trails, large seas of green and 80 varieties of magnolias make the grounds ideal for flower lovers who like to walk.
But quality can be uneven at all retail levels, flower lovers and experts said.