All the available randomised trials show that flower essences have no clinical effects beyond placebo.
In this way, White kept preparing flower essences until there were fifty of them.
Parsnips may be Roxanne's "magic thing," but they are positively mundane compared with her flower essences.
This one contains a mush of chicken, almonds, raisins and orange flower essence wrapped up in phyllo.
"But what it really needs is a full course of crystals and flower essences, and then to be buried in moist sand for a few weeks."
Bach flower remedies and Australian bush flower essences are prepared from various flowers.
Finish with a mint tea with a drop of orange flower essence (azahar).
Therapy, and she wanted to grow flowers and extract the flower essences for her personal pharmacy.
The healing properties of flower essences are made possible through the life force of the flowers.
He lay down once more upon the bench and, his lungs filled with a crush of flower essence, began to speak.