On April 5, the new 'a'a flow reached the western caldera wall and destroyed about five houses and the main water reservoir.
Pyroclastic flows completely destroyed St. Pierre, a town of 30,000 people, within minutes of the eruption.
A total of 57 people are known to have died, and more were left homeless when the ash falls and pyroclastic flows destroyed or buried 200 houses.
The noxious flow of sewer money has all but destroyed the nation's otherwise sound system of public financing for Presidential elections.
But a week later a new flow destroyed the house.
Pyroclastic flows would destroy much wildlife about the volcano.
The protesters contend that the freer flow of money, goods and labor across borders and the financial institutions' development policies are destroying the environment and hurting poor people.
The flow of investment funds distorted economic incentives, destroying markets for efficient American manufacturers and farmers and diverting capital from more productive uses in the developing nations.
These flows can destroy entire towns in seconds and kill thousands of people.
During the last days of the eruption, the flow interrupted the Messina-Catania railway line and destroyed the train station of Mascali.