A warrior and mariner people, the ancient Sardinians held flourishing trades with the other Mediterranean peoples.
A flourishing trade in Renaissance art developed.
South Carolina's liberal constitution and early flourishing trade attracted Sephardic Jewish immigrants.
The flourishing overseas trade was supported by the shipbuilding industry that produced a variety of ocean and river craft.
At Exeter twenty citizens (3 per cent of the total) were rated at $100-£300, and there was a flourishing overseas trade.
A flourishing Italian wholesale trade in cloth, woolen clothing, wine, tin and other commodities was heavily dependent on credit for its rapid expansion.
This flourishing trade allowed the North African provinces to increase artisan production in rapidly developing cities, making them highly organized urban centers.
The Muslim rulers were keen to invade India, a rich region with a flourishing international trade and the only known diamond mines in the world.
Since the end of the war, the French, for their part, had attained nothing like the flourishing American trade that Vergennes had imagined.
The convergence of telecommunications, media and information technology is essential to a flourishing electronic trade.