The company flourished despite the tumultuous economic conditions in the 1890s.
The mission flourished for more than 50 years despite these setbacks.
This movement has allowed Harrisburg to flourish into the 21st century, despite its low resident population.
The friendship flourished, despite Robert's distaste for doing business with friends.
The government said that the economy is flourishing despite some flooding in the central provinces earlier this year, the state news agency reported.
And so it was in 2001 for the online arts, which flourished despite a dearth of dollars.
Business flourished, despite my degrees either in agronomy or English literature.
Accordingly, trust in those institutions can flourish, despite the occasional error.
It continues to flourish despite some of the world's toughest libel laws.
He feels sorry for them, as they never flourish in life despite their compassion for others.