Those in the florist trade who know these lilies are probably most familiar with two spectacular fragrant ones, particularly the huge all-white Casa Blanca, with its heady fragrance, and the showy Japanese species, Lilium auratum, with its large spotted petals.
Anthurium grown for the florist trade generally have highly coloured spathes and spadices.
Just as rose breeders selected buds on the basis of color and size while forfeiting fragrance, violet hybridizers serving the florist trade also looked for giant-sized blooms, strong stems, vivid colors and keeping quality.
The most famous and the most widely grown, as a cut flower in the florist trade as well as in the home garden, is Enchantment, a spotted, upward-facing, glowing orange-red.
First and foremost are the anemones - not the tender bouffant flowers of the florist trade, but the lower-growing charmers of the early spring garden.
C.L., Winston-Salem, N.C. A.Branches of this shrub are cut and shipped to this country for the florist trade.
In the United States, it is most often grown for the florist trade or as a tender annual.
They first came into prominence in the florist trade.
The uses for intact moss are principally in the florist trade and for home decoration.