You'll find varieties and colors that you can't buy in a florist shop.
Except for a florist shop on the corner, there was no evidence of business or trade.
Fowler then worked in a florist shop to support the family.
Nothing ever delayed that truck long enough to cause complications in the florist shop.
Probably they had talked a lot while riding to the florist shop.
"Then I'm going to get a job sitting in a florist shop somewhere rather than taking care of my grandson."
Jo could open that florist shop she was always thinking about, and his son would be quarterback on the high school football team.
However, in October 2009 the battle between the owner of the florist shop and the city started up again.
She lived above the florist shop at the western end of the main shopping strip.
"The florist shop is closed," he said, noting the sign on the glass door to his right.