As Smith wrote in a letter to Dobie, "Ehrenberg had a regrettable tendency to write florid speeches and put them into the mouths of historic personages".
It was the University's job to preserve old knowledge and generate the new, she told the press in a florid speech.
"I don't know if Papa told you about my rather florid speech in there about saving the people rather than the land," she said.
Writer George Meyer commented that "writing for Kelsey is great, he can give the kind of purple, florid, melodramatic speeches that most of the characters would never give.
Make your florid little speech, grease the Gillies up with some noble rhetoric, follow through with tonight's visionary impulse before daybreak robs it of whatever plausibility it might have had?
Indeed, Conservative Party insiders say their advice to Mr. Mulroney has been to lower his public profile and to avoid making florid speeches.
She knew that his elaborate gallantries and his florid speeches were all done with his tongue in his cheek.
"Keeps a taut ship," remarked contemporaries at the Pentagon, but also "keeps a tight lip," despite a reputation for florid speech and unusually lengthy prepared statements before Congressional committees.
A mad hairless giant named Judge Holden makes florid speeches not unlike Captain Ahab's.
"Nay," Merith mocked the mage's florid speech.