Margo was dressed-to Malcolm's astonishment in a chaste little floral-print dress that came nearly to her ankles.
Wearing a floral-print dress she picked up at a Parisian thrift shop, she concentrated at the strings while commuters stopped in their tracks.
All of her outfits have consisted of various short-sleeved, floral-print dresses that carry lace collars.
She had lived with her aunt Mavis, a woman in her late forties, with a round haunted face, always wearing floral-print dresses and pink slippers.
An old woman wearing glasses, a floral-print dress, and clunky shoes opened the door.
She was maybe eighty, stick thin, white hair, stooped, wearing a faded floral-print dress that flared right out from the waist over nylon petticoats.
She wore a floral-print dress that reached to her calves, while Phil had donned gray trousers, a white shirt, and a dark jacket and tie.
Even amid the peep-show perversions at Jeremy Scott, one found a floral-print dress with a hoop skirt.
Her floral-print dress seemed as faded as the cushion on which she had rested her worn handbag.
Sheriff Atkins was already there, in a huddle with Lieutenant Mosley and a heavy woman wearing a red floral-print dress.