The cab bubble sealed itself and cold air drafted from the floor vents as the man started the compressor.
The floor vents would not work for him.
Frigid wind blew up at him from the floor vents.
The couple were forced to rip out the floor vents to block the smell from leaking into their Brooklyn co-op.
The following day, cold air is pumped from the labyrinth out into the atrium through floor vents.
Warmth came from steam heat, through radiators with iron covers and floor vents enhanced with intricate designs.
Once the steam escapes, roof flues can be closed and heat will circulate the room before escaping from floor vents.
He said the fumes came through floor vents from the school's basement.
As the lake flooded in through the floor vents, the vehicle settled steadily-then sank rapidly when water reached the two partially open windows.
In spite of the cool air that streamed through the floor vents, she felt almost as if she were in another century.