This set was interesting as both bass drums were set up horizontally, like floor toms.
The day of the Beach Boy/Buckingham show, the group realized that they had neglected to bring one of their floor toms along with them.
Bass drums and floor toms were constructed of 11 ply shells.
The piece was meant to show off different aspects of the art of jazz drumming, including the use of brushes, the ride cymbal and floor toms.
In time legs were fitted to larger floor toms, and "consolettes" were devised to hold smaller tom-toms on the bass drum.
Mr. Mastellotto likes to use his floor toms, and stays away from cymbals, giving the music an ethnic feel.
The floor toms are the lowest tuned drums played with sticks in the regular 5 piece drum set.
His most recent configuration is unique in that he uses three floor toms arranged in the fashion of traditional toms.
His kit configures of two floor toms, a tom, a bass drum, and a snare drum.
In punk rock, breakdowns tend to be more upbeat, using the floor toms and snares to create a faster, 'rolling' rhythm.