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People once willing to pay for flood control have left town.
Plans were then developed for flood control of the river.
The trail is part of the local flood control system.
Original work on this flood control project began in 1967.
Like it or not, the city has a toe in the flood control business, after all.
It has also been cited as being used for flood control.
The project was put into operation for flood control in January 1944.
The river has since been the focus of an intensive flood control project.
Over the years, the quality of the flood control around the lake has grown.
After 1900 dam building and flood control became major concerns.
First is the forest's important value as an element of flood control.
During the construction period there was no flood control installed.
Flood control has been estimated at nearly ten million dollars between the years of 1950 and 1999.
As a state representative, he became known for his opposition to the private power companies over the issue of flood control.
It's one of sixteen flood control projects in the area.
It was established in 1969 and its primary purpose is for flood control.
"Wetlands serve an important role in flood control," he said.
Maybe the whole lower level was only air ducts or for flood control.
It has been extending the wall and adding to its flood control system ever since.
The purpose of these dams was flood control and power production in both countries.
The primary purpose of the dam is flood control and water.
President Clinton apparently favors the new direction in flood control policy.
There are no power plants or flood control projects along the creek.
It is an important asset for water drainage and flood control.
The dam is also used to a limited extent for flood control.