People once willing to pay for flood control have left town.
Plans were then developed for flood control of the river.
The project was put into operation for flood control in January 1944.
The annual cost of flood control dropped from $75,000 to $7,500.
Over the years, the quality of the flood control around the lake has grown.
It has also been cited as being used for flood control.
As a state representative, he became known for his opposition to the private power companies over the issue of flood control.
First is the forest's important value as an element of flood control.
During the construction period there was no flood control installed.
It was established in 1969 and its primary purpose is for flood control.
It's a legitimate question whether the Government should put more money into this system of flood protection.
The reason goes beyond the need for flood protection and basic infrastructure, which only the government can provide.
Building there would eliminate the natural flood protection that wetlands provide.
This will be the best flood protection in the entire state of California.
A. They offer a very low level of flood protection, probably the lowest for any major metropolitan area in the country.
When completed, much of Sacramento will have over 200-year flood protection.
A secondary benefit of the project will be flood protection.
Dams are also considered a means for flood protection in Mexico.
Second, that more money must be spent on flood protection throughout America.
The province has said it will push the limits of the flood protection again.