The people returned to their homes when the flood threat eased after a few hours.
This complex of computer controlled automatic flood barriers are housed below ground and rise automatically when a flood threat is detected.
He appears regularly on radio and TV, talking about the flood threat, climate change, writing and his own life.
The initial rainfall caused a significant water rise in many rivers, which exacerbated the flood threat.
Over the years, the upstream communities had become more focused on environmental issues and less on the flood threat.
There was a flood threat aimed close to the airport in 1972, while in the following year, the airfield's runways were extended.
On the upside in Asia, a flood threat in Bangkok has started to recede.
A steady downpour compounded the flood threat in Louisiana and flooded streets in the New Orleans area.
As homes push farther into the desert, patterns of mountain water runoff are disrupted, increasing the flood threat.
The attack alleviated the dam as a flood threat, destroying one sluice gate and damaging several others.