At least four people are missing after torrential rain flooded rivers, washed out bridges and destroyed homes in the southwestern part of the state this weekend.
Although smaller than the previous Hurricane Gladys, Hilda dropped heavy rainfall that flooded local rivers.
Roofless houses, huge trees uprooted, flattened rice, and flooded rivers, with drowned oxen, dogs, and other animals stranded among the debris.
Outside the city, Charlie's heavy rain led to bursting dams and flooded rivers, where upward of 100 people died.
In the United Kingdom, the storm flooded rivers and brought down trees and power lines.
Heavy rainfall flooded rivers, which swept away several people.
These three arms are flooded rivers (rias) formed at a time when the sea level was much lower than it is at the present day.
In the United Kingdom, the storm caused downed trees and power lines, as well as flooded rivers.
In the interior of the country, the hurricane dropped rainfall that flooded rivers and towns.
One reason is the huge difficulties in food distribution in a country fragmented by shifting, often flooded rivers.