Without human intervention during this time salt water flooded parts of the island making it unsuitable for agricultural use.
About 350,000 m3 of water poured through the 15 m wide hole and flooded large parts of old Katzwang.
A stream runs alongside the railway line at this point, and it has flooded parts of the depot on several occasions.
In 1883 the sea flooded parts of Grangetown to a depth of five feet.
A 4.5 m (14.7 ft) tide flooded parts of Yeppoon, but no major damage was reported.
Persistent rain in central New York has flooded parts of the canal and the adjoining farmlands.
The loyalists flooded large parts of the streets of District 2 by bursting sewage pipes.
The tsar ordered the dead found on the streets to be thrown into the river, which overflowed its banks and flooded parts of the town.
In November 1966, the Arno flooded parts of the centre, damaging many art treasures.
In 1988 the Sand River burst its banks and flooded parts of the town.