Other floods besides the one described in the Gun-Yu mythology also exist in Chinese mythology.
Young Earth creationists believe that the flood described in Genesis 6-9 did occur, was global in extent, and submerged the highest mountains on Earth.
But to Mr. Vail, the folds suggest the Grand Canyon was carved 4,500 years ago by the great global flood described in Genesis as God's punishment for humanity's sin.
Ryan and Pitman believe they have found evidence that the flood described in Genesis 6-8 actually occurred, as the Mediterranean poured into the Black Sea.
A Great Flood Q. Do scientists suspect the flood described in the Bible was caused by an earthquake like the recent one along the Anatolian fault line?
The program notes defined the title as meaning "of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible" and the recorded accompaniment was Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms."
Believers argued that the great flood described in the Bible and the destruction of Atlantis were caused by the fall of previous moons.
Erratics were once considered evidence of a vast flood approximately 10,000 years ago, similar to the legendary floods described in the texts of ancient civilizations throughout the world.
Flood geology (also creation geology or diluvial geology) is the interpretation of the geological history of the Earth in terms of the global flood described in Genesis 6-9.
The "flood" described in the Sumerian King List, is believed to have a historical basis, and has been dated 2900 BC.