A flood of former Google employees soon arrived, too.
At the older American Falls Dam downstream, engineers increased discharge by less than 5% before the flood arrived.
Alternative sources of food if the floods arrive too soon include hunting, fishing and collection of edible wild plants.
The flood arrived with a surge not borne by anger or revenge, but simply enormous momentum assisted by gravity.
When seeds are sown directly into the ground the seeds and young plants can be damaged by drought conditions before floods arrive.
Around 11 P.M., after the end of the second shift, another flood of officers arrived in the area, a mix of houses and businesses.
He did so and when the flood arrived, the fish (actually Matsya) towed the ship by a cable attached to his horn.
The hovels were truly meant only to be temporary, but the flood of refugees arriving daily overwhelmed good intentions.
Now the floods have arrived and we are ready to set sail!
Fears that floods of unregistered citizens might arrive at polling stations demanding to vote evaporated.