Seated in the float tube, he paddles across the water with a gentle movement of the flippers, then remains still over the chosen fishing ground.
Additionally, most manufacturers do not recommend using float tubes in moving waters, such as rivers or streams.
Using a float tube on Yellowstone lakes requires a park service boating permit.
We arrived at the trailhead to the pond in late morning just as a young man carrying an inflated float tube emerged from the woods.
The use of float tubes has become a very popular way of fishing for pike on small to medium size stillwaters.
He was last seen off the Aleutian Islands doing about twenty knots, which isn't bad for a float tube.
Nonetheless, those truly serious about catching trout would do well to bring an inflatable raft or a float tube.
Fishermen generally use float tubes for catching trout or bass.
With the float tube, you can really sneak up on them.
Soon we had strapped on our flippers and plopped into the float tubes.