The government lifted the trade embargo, flight restrictions, and financial sanctions in place since August 1990.
They had dismantled all the flight restrictions, fighter coverage, and Patriot missile protection in record time.
I heard temporary flight restrictions were in effect for all airspace within five hundred miles of Iran.
The agencies will consider technical solutions to the problem as well as flight restrictions.
At the mayor's behest, federal authorities nearly two weeks ago imposed temporary flight restrictions over the downtown area.
White House officials said the flight restrictions were for security reasons but did not come in response to a specific threat.
The final form of the temporary flight restrictions will be issued in a notice to airmen.
A flight restriction will be in effect over much of Manhattan during the night.
Any flight restriction requiring pilots to fly higher would mean the approach to the airport would have to be changed.
This allows the ship to move to any unoccupied space on the board, subject to normal flight restrictions.