She'd not wanted him to go back on active flight duty, and he'd come close to turning in his wings.
He was exhausted from the constant flight duty and the added burdens of being a team leader.
Those who were not on flight duty crowded into the tiny central cabin where they elbowed each other before the viewer.
Within that it set 10 hours as the maximum for flight duty, up from 8.
Then we'll see about getting you cleared for flight duty.
In addition to flight duties he served on cruisers, destroyers, and staff assignments.
The one afternoon I'm not on flight duty and you've got singing lessons.
He returned to flight duty in January 1918, but would not score again until 3 May.
The pilot would be awake continuously for 23 hours by the time the flight duty ended.
The officials said the mission specialists would carry out educational programs in addition to flight duties.