Primary use was basic flying training of flight cadets under contract to Claiborne Flight Academy.
However, World War I ended before the first class of flight cadets graduated.
Primary use was basic flying training of flight cadets.
Hamblin joined the Royal Air Force in 1926 as a flight cadet.
The total number of flight cadets rose from 300 in January 1943 to 456 in November 1943.
The Air Force supplied about 10-15 instructors, and each of the flight screening classes consisted of about 60 potential flight cadets.
A flight cadet is a military or civilian occupational title that is held by someone who is in training to operate an airplane.
The trainee does not need to become a pilot, as flight cadets may also learn to serve as a co-pilot, navigator, or flight engineer.
Fletcher became a flight cadet and was commissioned in October 1918.
In 1939 the site was chosen by the United States Army Air Corps to provide basic (level 1) flying training to flight cadets.