Supporters claim that the movement is arranged in a flexible organizational network.
Gulf has experienced a significant revival since 1990, emerging as a flexible network of allied business interests based on partnerships, franchises and agencies.
Ideally, they link together, forming a loose, flexible network.
A flexible network is related to them, consisting of internal and external stakeholders; 5.
It would also slow communication between computers and generally make networks much less flexible and convenient.
Still, it is clear the smugglers had to be part of a sophisticated, highly flexible network that could manage the trip across two continents.
The empire lacked a coherent structure or central control; instead, it consisted of a loose, flexible network of family connections and lands.
We must aim for a more flexible network, organised around jointly run border posts, near to borders.
A flexible network around the convention therefore seems preferable to the organisation of a special forum.
A flexible global network of staff and offices, serving the whole of the UK Government.