Kahn opened and closed his mouth, then looked up at the fleshless skull.
The arms and legs were gone, but the fleshless skull remained.
Thrusting in my head between the stems, I found myself gazing at a fleshless skull.
It clasped her in its bony arms, and she screamed to see a fleshless skull grinning from the shadow of the hood.
One, whom Ferrante also saw only from behind, still had some cropped hair on its fleshless skull, like a cap pulled forcibly over it.
The small bloodshot eyes started in the huge sockets: one can imagine her fleshless skull too easily.
Now Parry discerned the face- and it was a fleshless skull.
The fleshless skull whipped from side to side on the satin pillow.
The death god classified as God A always has a fleshless skull with usually a skeletal body.
The fifth man rode past jauntily, a hatchet buried in his fleshless skull.