"Don't look like none of them belong to cops," Link said with a fleeting grin.
I caught a fleeting grin passing across the features of the black as he heard her words.
But a fleeting, wicked grin suggested that this character was only feigning her loss of control.
Root allowed himself a fleeting grin, then it was back to business.
The constable permitted himself a fleeting grin on the side of his face which was turned towards them and away from the public view.
Saved the best till last, you might say," he added with a fleeting grin.
"If you do it right," he said with a fleeting grin.
She could not conceive of what life would be like with- out that fleeting, triangular grin.
He glanced at Lewis, surprised another fleeting grin on the man's face.
He wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of a hand and gave me a fleeting grin.