The fleet was passing several more ships of the ancient Space Invader race.
Wisely, the Portuguese sailors put in to port and stayed there while the fleet passed.
All we ask is that you let our fleets pass through your realms without resistance.
The loyalist fleet, approaching from the opposite direction, could pass right through both the six and the forty-five without having any protective effect.
A fleet of barges with Japanese cultural performances, including kabuki fire drumming, passed by at various times.
As a result both fleets slowly passed each other in opposite tack.
A Republican destroyer fired torpedoes but missed, and both fleets passed each other by.
We aren't certain what you used in this latest attack, but we've checked all the likely routes, and no such fleet passed any of them.
His fleet and army then passed across the Hellespont.
The fleet passed through the island of Bintan, from where the news spread to Singapura.