In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, an international fleet maintains a school to find and train future fleet commanders.
The fleet maintained its formation as it moved down the coast until it had passed Cape Hatteras.
She operated on local patrol and minesweeping exercises during that time, as the fleet maintained an intensive training schedule.
The Biodyysey will initiate no conflict, provided, of course, that your own fleet maintains a non-threatening posture.
The British fleet still maintained some control of the region for the succeeding few years.
The fleet maintained a high standard, and between the two world wars (1925-1939), a significant effort was made counter the threat of the German and Italian navies.
Britain's larger fleet could maintain a blockade of Germany, cutting it off from overseas trade and resources.
The Tyrannian fleet had maintained their position two light-years off Lingane for the better part of a week and the situation was becoming increasingly unstable.
Routing and Planning which is also known as Area 7, maintains its own fleet of vehicles.
The Insectoid fleet maintained a healthy distance from the League fleet.