Harvey had refused to quit the deck whilst the action continued but on its conclusion was carried below as the British fleet headed for home, Brunswick reaching Spithead a few days later.
The British fleet headed for Halifax to regroup but a fever spread through the ships and the Admiral was forced to return to England.
A second Romulan fleet, headed by a heavy cruiser, faced off against the first.
In 1940, a British fleet headed by the battleship Warspite had sailed up the fjord and engaged German ships in the harbor, sinking nine destroyers.
The latter sent a fleet headed by Khair ad Din (also known as Barbarossa) who was victorious over the Spaniards and managed to retake Naples from them.
He was also given two honorary golden chains by the directorate of the company and on 6 March 1666 was appointed commandeur of the next fleet headed for the Indies.
Behind them clustered the mass of conventional longships, the main body of their fleet, headed by Shef's old enemy, theFrani Ormr .
Francis I asked for help from Suleiman, then sent a fleet headed by Khair ad Din who was victorious over the Spaniards, and managed to retake Naples from them.
The fleet of ships, headed by the nuclear-powered Pyotr Velikiy, set off from its base at Severomorsk in the Arctic on Monday, September 22.
In 1706 he put down command of the Dutch fleet headed for Portugal on hearing that he would be subordinated to a British Vice-Admiral.