The fleet faces headlong wings for six straight days.
During this war the French and Spanish fleet could not face the English and Dutch in an open sea battle and therefore had switched to privateering.
From those beachheads, the Romulan fleet would face few serious impediments to its ultimate goals, provided it maintained the advantage of surprise.
By 1:00 pm, the two fleets were roughly facing each other, but sailing on opposite tacks.
If the North and South Fleets of the Japanese had faced difficult odds, this American fleet faced worse.
The Carthaginian fleet now facing encirclement, Himilco chose not to fight a two-front battle against superior numbers, and sailed away to Carthage.
On 10 September, the two fleets again faced each other, near Neuwarp.
With the fleet no longer facing opposition from the Confederate Navy, Farragut could pay some attention to the forts.
Despite the disadvantages a fleet faces in using a junction as an avenue of attack, the element of surprise tends to offset them to a considerable degree.
Upon reaching Grand Encore the fleet faced a dangerous situation.