The police said last night that they were seeking the third suspect, who fled with the money - petty cash for the district attorney's office.
The pilot was forced to land at Porecatu where the hijackers fled with the money.
The raiders fled with the money into Canada, where they were arrested by authorities.
The owner complied, and the robbers fled with the money, the officer said.
When he doesn't show up that night, the others realise that he's fled with all the money.
As they prepare to flee with the money, Charlie, mortally wounded, enters.
The suspects then fled through a window with the money and with jewelry worth $10,000 to $15,000, the police said.
The "officers," who are in fact criminals, then flee with the money.
Everybody believes that Mamta fled with the money, abandoning her son and husband.
In an exchange of fire, one officer was wounded, and the gunmen fled with the money.