To Kithrup, where the gnat fled, where so much was lost, including the better part of her soul.
Others were injured in the panic as people fled the area, including a 28-year-old pregnant woman who began undergoing labour but did not give birth.
Out of the estimated 600 population, all but 40 fled including 4 of the 6 Gilboa doctors.
Some fled to other worlds, including yours, and tried to carve out niches where we could live in hiding.
Many of Gori's remaining inhabitants also fled the city, including hospital staff fleeing in ambulances.
The hostage-takers fled with eight million dollars ransom and four hostages, including one man and three women.
A security official said 15 militants fled in the prison break, including 12 convicted for the killing of security officials and a bank heist.
Ms. Williams fled to a battered women's shelter with her seven children, including James.
Five of those children fled to Bordeaux, including Rafael where they lived for many years.
Hundreds of thousands flee abroad, including many "boat people".