Immediately after the meeting Lawrence fled fearing betrayal.
Soomro's family fled to Karachi fearing the subsequent backlash of this ruling, however being subject to several attacks.
The police fled fearing for their lives in the absence of the army while there was an attempted coup in Port Moresby over the deal.
Here, Arabs fled fearing atrocities or were expelled if they had not fled.
Soon afterwards Wamwere fled to Norway fearing for his life.
The Shiite Muslims fled to the marshlands fearing reprisals earlier this year after an unsuccessful uprising in southern Iraq against President Saddam Hussein.
Satianandam fled from Yanam fearing persecution by the French colonial administration and his home was pillaged.
At the announcement of the meeting, the Hindus began to flee fearing further oppression.
Another major wave occurred in November 1988 as Azeris were either expelled by the nationalists and local or state authorities, or fled fearing for their lives.
If he doesn't show up they will also have achieved something, by depicting Sadr as a coward who fled to Iran fearing for his life.