They also had links with family members who had, centuries before, fled Spain for both Italy and England.
The army declared that they would not defend the King and on 14 April he fled Spain.
He fled Spain after Franco's victory but would never talk about his experiences.
He fled Spain and in 1985 was extradited from Germany on the condition that he face just two counts of forgery.
He fled Spain during the Civl War and did not return until 1953.
He eventually fled Spain after being liberated from prison by his supporters, and spent most of his remaining years in France.
This included many who fled Spain four years earlier.
As an afrancesado, he fled Spain in 1813, but returned a year later and was eventually reinstated to his honors.
They were strangers to each other until they shared their personal histories as descendants of Jews who fled Spain 500 years ago.
He escaped from prison in 1945, fled Spain, and spent three years in France.