I fled Libya in the 1990s to escape the madness of Gaddafi and his violence, he says.
Before the rebels captured the border post, there had been some concerns that Gaddafi might use it to flee Libya.
If he is coward and scare to die he already fled Libya before Tripoli collapse.
By 3 March, an estimated 200,000 refugees had fled Libya to either Tunisia or Egypt.
On May 10, The Week posted an article claiming that roughly 746,000 people have fled Libya since the war began.
Tunisia and Egypt have agreed to open their borders to those fleeing Libya.
We must show solidarity with people who are fleeing trouble spots, particularly with those fleeing Libya, who need international protection.
More than 400 000 people have fled Libya, mostly to Tunisia and Egypt, but also now to EU countries.
Our activities address both pressing needs inside Libya and the needs of people who have been fleeing Libya.
From 1949 to 1951, 30,000 Jews fled Libya to Israel.