He used the ship to transport flax,whale oil and seal skins to Sydney 3 times per year, returning with supplies and trade goods.
"It must be flax oil."
And lately, I have also been taking a tablespoon of Spectrum Naturals Veg-Omega-3 fresh flax oil (expeller pressed) daily.
Camelina oil was used in oil lamps (until the modern harnessing of natural gas, propane, and electricity) and as an edible false flax oil.
The pattern's indentations are then filled with the colored, plaster-like scagliola composite, and then polished with flax oil for brightness, and wax for protection.
False flax oil is a pressed seed oil, derived from the Camelina sativa or false flax, also called gold of pleasure.
Supplementation with flax oil and vitamin C improves the outcome of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
This seventeenth-century low-lying waterside industrial village was complete with flax, seed, oil, and flour mills.
I've been integrating omega-3 oils into my diet, with very little fuss, by adding a couple of tablespoons of flax oil to my morning smoothie.