To protect the etrog during the holiday, it is traditionally wrapped in silky flax fibers and stored in a special box, often made from silver.
The Murray's grew flax as a cash crop and prepared flax fiber for rope making.
The flax fiber was used for cloth and paper, and the oil was used for a variety of industrial uses.
- its milky translucent polyurethane cushions are stuffed with a straw lookalike (actually, a flax fiber).
The higher cost of other materials such as "Linofelt" (woven from flax fibers) or cork prevented their widespread adoption.
And on Sept. 26, everyone can come back for the Harvest Festival, which will involve turning the flax fiber into cloth.
The ends of flax fibers tend to stick out from the thread unless wetted while being spun.
In addition, the term in English, flaxen-haired, denoting a very light, bright blonde, comes from a comparison to the color of raw flax fiber.
Before the flax fibers can be spun into linen, they must be separated from the rest of the stalk.
Tow can be carded like wool and spun, or spun like the other flax fibers.