The Nets knew that to defeat a team as talented as the Mavericks, they would have to play a nearly flawless game.
Last night Reed pitched a near flawless game.
Bad teams have to play flawless games and get a few breaks to win.
But the reserved Sherman has no use for such romantic notions, even though the Packers played a nearly flawless game Sunday.
If they come here, they've got to play a flawless game to beat us.
In contrast to King, Borg said little, making his statement from the baseline with a persistent, almost technically flawless game.
La Russa has also played a flawless game of chess with his bullpen.
Instead, Navratilova brushed off the missed opportunity, playing a flawless final game.
Klonoa 2 is as close to a flawless game as I've ever seen.
Temple was beatable if we played a flawless game and hit a high percentage of shots, about 60 percent.