Analogies are sometimes used to persuade those that cannot detect the flawed or non-existent arguments.
If anything most people can't believe that the skeptics are still trying to use the same flawed arguments to deny AGW.
When this bogus syllogism began to lose public appeal, it was shored up with another flawed argument that was repeated during the campaign: tyranny breeds terrorism.
This itself is a flawed argument.
What I'm describing here is the clash of two serious but flawed arguments.
"It's a flawed argument, because drug dealers don't care about the law."
But propagandists and ideologues also love them, because it is easy to hide a flawed argument inside of an analogy.
Since the basis of No Free Lunch relies on this flawed argument, the entire thesis of the book collapses.
We are the minority, and any attempt to pass our opinions off as those of the average customer is a flawed argument from start to finish.
The problem with BBC and all media coverage has been the lazy repetition of a one-sided, flawed, economic argument.